Location: The Racetrack

Who May apply to compete?

Open to all athletes and non-athletes (general public)

Kilted Mile

Unique to the Scottish Games in Ohio is the Kilted Mile race, the only kilted running event in Ohio. Participants will assemble on the track at the Grand Stands. Morning registration will occur at 9:00 AM, race begins at 10:00 AM.

Pre-Registration includes entry into the Fairgrounds and a T-shirt. If participants register morning of, they will not receive a t-shirt and will be required to pay admission to the gate. Winners will be ranked by time. Medals will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.

Kilts are required.

Haggis Hurling Contest - Open to all athletes and non-athletes (general public).

Rules & Information

Every competitor will have one chance to toss the haggis (approximately 1lb.) for distance. Longest throw counts.
The distance measured from the half whiskey barrel , in which you stand upon, to the first impact.
All competitors must stand on top of a half whiskey barrel. Stepping off the barrel, leads to disqualification.
Competitors may toss the haggis in any manner they wish, one hand or two, underhand, or overhand – all permitted.
A kilt is not required to participate.
Day of registration is also available and will close one hour before contest.
1st place medals will be awarded in each category

*T-shirt NOT included. No cost for entry. Gate Admission NOT included

Haggis Hurling Categories

-Lads 18 & Over
-Lads 12-17
-Lassies 18 & Over
-Lassies 12-17